Through this service, you can request to "classify/accredit" the entity as charitable or humanitarian in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
- Service terms and conditions: Applicant must be one of the public interest associations ,authorities civil society foundations.
- Required Documents:
- Main Requirements:
- Copy of the Applicant’s Publicity, Licensing, or Article of Association/ Article or Memorandum of Association
- Applicant Signature Authorization Letter
- Valid Copy of Passport and Emirates ID of the Applicant Representatives
- Report on the expenses of the applicant for charitable and development projects and initiatives
- Report of the most important achievements of the applicant
- A copy of previous projects, studies or reports of the applicant entity related to the beneficiaries and the extent to which they need support
- Wishing to collect and provide donations for their initiatives and projects only, please attach the following:
- Report on the beneficiary cases supported by the final account of the applicant
- Sample detailed action plan for fundraising campaigns for the applicant
- Copy of the internal mechanisms and procedures for fundraising for the applicant
- Copy of the financial control and transparency procedures of the applicant
- A document showing the authority of the authorized signatories on behalf of the applicant
- valid copy of the passport and Emirates ID for those authorized to sign bank accounts
- To grant charitable status to entities wishing to collect and provide donations for their initiatives and projects and/or for authorized entities, or to accredit a charitable entity, please attach the following in addition to what was mentioned above:
- Report on the beneficiary cases supported by the final account of the applicant
- Sample detailed action plan for fundraising campaigns for the applicant
- The organizational structure of the entity to highlight the presence of:
- A department and/or dedicated fundraising team on behalf of authorized entities.
- A department and/or team dedicated to research and studies.
- Copy of the internal mechanisms and procedures for fundraising for the applicant
- Copy of the financial control and transparency procedures of the applicant
- Proof of the ability to completely separate the donations of the authorized entities from the funds of the entity or the donations it collects for its projects, initiatives and activities
- A document Showing the authority of authorized signatories on behalf of applicant.
- valid copy of the passport and Emirates ID for those authorized to sign bank accounts
- To be accredited by a charitable entity classified outside the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, please attach the following:
- Documents proving that the entity has obtained a classification from the Ministry or the competent local authorities in the other emirate
- A report on the beneficiary cases supported by the final account of the applicant
- Sample detailed action plan for fundraising campaigns for the applicant
- Copy of the internal mechanisms and procedures for fundraising for the applicant
- Copy of the financial control and transparency procedures of the applicant
- The organizational structure of the entity to highlight the presence of:
- A department and/or dedicated fundraising team on behalf of authorized entities.
- A department and/or team dedicated to research and studies.
- Proof of the ability to completely separate the donations of the authorized entities from the funds of the entity or the donations it collects for its projects, initiatives and activities
- A document showing the authority of authorized signatories on behalf of applicant
- Valid copy of the passport an Emirates ID for those authorized to sing bank account
- To grant humanitarian status, please attach the following:
- A report on the specific beneficiary category supported by the final account of the applicant
- Organizational Structure of the Applicant
- Service Steps:
- Submit the application and the required documents through the available channels
- Receive DCD update to submit additional document if needed
- Receive of the final decision on request to issue a "classification/accreditation" certificate for a charitable or humanitarian entity by e-mail
- Beneficiaries: Public Interest Associations and Civil Society Foundations and Authority
- Service Channel: TAMM Platform - (Click here)
- Service Fees: No Fees
- Timeframe to receive the service: 30 Working Days